Friday, April 5, 2013

Does America Have a True "Culture"

America has long been known as a melting pot of cultures. You can find almost any culture in the world located between Maine and California. Over time we have absorbed cultures and adapted them, but have we ever created such a culture that is truly our own? America was found by people from Europe, whether through exploration or through escape from religious persecution, and with them came their beliefs, their actions, their everyday behavior. They did not start from scratch or decide to abolish their held culture in favor of something new.

Most people would agree that if America has a culture, then it is capitalism. We owe our religious aspect to Europe, our social aspect to as well belongs to Europe, but our economic stance is purely America's. Fast food, grocery store, malls, and any other type of business in America has some sort of capitalism embedded in it.

As a little side note, I find it very interesting to hear people from other countries tell about what they think America is like. I've seen maps drawn by people from Asia where Texas, in particular, takes up the vast majority of the country, engulfing many of the great plains states. Others believe that Americans have guns strapped to them at any instance of the day, along with a big bag of Mickey D's.

But really, besides those, does America have a specific culture? Most of the states in particular have self addressed stereotypes to go along with their individual cultures (New Yorker's can't drive, it's always raining in Seattle, everyone in Alabama lives in a trailer home, Florida is full of old people, etc.). However, unlike many other countries in the world, we lack a central omnipresent culture. Do you agree? Is their a culture for America?


  1. I've lived here for seven years and i am yet to determine the American culture. each time that question is asked, i think of the American dream and individualism and capitalism. I can't truly point out a culture for America. I think the 4th of July is a culture,with the fireworks involved always. and thanksgiving too and the turkey. those are also aspects of culture. And american English,it's different too. like saying pants instead of trousers and so on. those are culture too. American football too is culture.

  2. I think that gun use applies more to Texas and other more conservative states, rather than the country as a whole. However, I do think that the issue of obesity does apply to the whole country. As Americans, we tend to be frugal with our money because we often make it ourselves, so we buy cheap and unhealthy fast food.
